We’re so excited to launch this new community volunteer program! Being part of the crew will mean you will really get to know (and love getting rid of) this invasive plant.
We are looking for people to commit to surveying Oahu trails and reporting their findings to OISC. There are also known areas on the island where Devil Weed is prevalent and large patches will need to be removed. We may reach out for help with these. This is a community led effort to help OISC determine the spread of devil weed on Oʻahu. ANYONE can participate anytime…just survey when/where you can!
- Simply pick a trail from our list.
- Look for devil weed on the trail.
- Report whether or not you find it using a free smart phone app.
Get started by heading over the Devil Weed Crew volunteer page!
Questions…Contact Erin Bishop, OISC Outreach Coordinator. E: oisc@hawaii.edu, C: 808-286-4616